Zaloguj! NODEM Digital Repository

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Alex Palin
Based in Stockholm, Alex is responsible for sales, communications and marketing in Northern Europe. He is also inv...
Davide Pantile
Davide Pantile works as commercial and project manager in ETT S.p.A., where he is involved in e-government and mul...
Nigel Papworth
Interactive Institute Swedish ICT, Sweden
Kenneth Paranada
Lecturer, curator, storyteller, University of the Philippines Diliman, Phillipines. Kenneth Paranada is a storyte...
Lucia Parrino
PhD Candidate, Dept. INDACO-Design for Cultural Heritage. Politecnico di Milano, Italy Lucia Parrino is Ph.D. can...
Chiara Passa
Fine Art Academy of Rome, Italy
Juho Pääkylä
B.Sc. (Tech.) Juho Pääkylä does research and software development on mixed reality technologies at the Technolo...
Helgi Pétursson
Veijo Pönni
M.Soc.Sc. (Econ.) Veijo Pönni, is a project researcher in BID – Business and Innovations Development. He has mo...
Claudio Pedica
Claudio Pedica is an Italian creative technologist and interaction designer based in Iceland. With a background in...
Neva Pedrazzini
PhD Candidate, Dept. BEST, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Neva Pedrazzini is Ph.D. candidate in Project and Techno...
Jeroen Peeters
Interactive Institute Swedish ICT, Sweden
Aileen Peirce
Historic Royal Palaces, United Kingdom
Daniela Petrelli
Palmyre Pierroux
Palmyre Pierroux is Associate Professor at the Department of Education, University of Oslo, where she leads the In...
Timo Pietilä
Sheenagh Pietrobruno
Sheenagh Pietrobruno is a Research Associate at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University in Montre...
Daniel Pletinckx
Daniel Pletinckx
After working for 14 years in industry in the domain of image processing and quality management, Daniel Pletinckx ...
Carolina Poelk
Interactive Institute Swedish ICT, Sweden
Dominic Price
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Ole Prinds
Moesgaard Museum
Polly Putnam
Historic Royal Palaces, United Kingdom